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Friday, August 28, 2020

Favorite place to fish: Motts Run Reservoir -
Only $5 for 5 months

For our annual Guide to Living issue of Discover magazine, we’ve asked 15 locals to divulge their favorite outdoor spaces in the region. 

Name: Johnny Minor

Locality: Lives in the United Kingdom, but visits family home in Spotsylvania County every three or four months for VA medical visits.

Day job/profession: Retired from Air Force and engineering.Hobby: Anything that deals with using your hands: carpentry, metal working, just tinkering around with something, anything.

Describe your favorite fishing spot.

Off the old man’s pier down at Motts Run Reservoir Recreation Center. All of the seasoned veterans that would always come down would get on the oldest pier down there next to the office. It was convenient; they didn’t have to walk too far to go to the bathroom and get a cup of coffee.

When did you first start fishing here?

Right after I had gotten out of the military in 1999. Me and my family had moved up from Florida, and my father [the late Don Minor] said you ought to come on down here. Where? I never heard of it. I just started going down fishing and actually got a job with city, cutting grass anytime they were short on help.

What makes this spot such an ideal place for a fisherman?

It’s got a lot of variety and also ... fishing isn’t always about catching fish. Sometimes it’s also about the camaraderie from other regular fishermen. You find out about their background and that you have a lot in common.

How often do you visit?

Whenever it’s open. And then you get competition, some of the guys come down and they’re always trying to catch their creel limit. Once you get out there, it’s like, “Whatcha using?” And a guy says, “I’m not gonna tell you.” You find out this guy went out the night before and got minnows and somebody else has worms and maybe they’re not catching the same type of fish.

When’s the best time of day to come here?

I like to go early in the morning, right before the sun’s coming up, probably between 6 and 7 a.m. When you’re in the military, you get used to being up at zero-dark 30.

Is this place popular among locals?

Yes. What’s really surprising is a lot of people like myself never knew it existed, then a lot of people are like, “Oh, my God, this place is so beautiful.”

Best fish ever caught there:

Crappie. That’s good to eat.

Sum up this spot in one word:


Compiled by Cathy Dyson

Photo by Mike Morones

The Link Lonk

August 28, 2020 at 07:15PM

Favorite place to fish: Motts Run Reservoir -

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