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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Fish and Game issues warning, following increase in bear encounters - WMUR Manchester

New Hampshire Fish and Game is warning Granite Staters and visitors about an increase in bear encounters over the past month. Viewer video recently sent to WMUR shows a black bear helping itself to a snack from a dumpster in Lincoln. This is one of several encounters this month, says New Hampshire Fish and Game."This year we're definitely seeing an increase. Particularly over the month of July. It's been a very busy month,” said Andy Timmons, of New Hampshire Fish and Game.Timmons says that increase is caused by a couple factors."One is the very dry weather conditions that we've had in the beginning of the summer. It certainly had an impact on natural food sources for bears, specifically the berry crops,” said Timmons.Fish and Game says the ongoing pandemic may also play a role with more people staying home or staying local during vacation."That is influencing where people are, how many people are visiting the state and where people are spending their time recreating,” said Timmons. Timmons says a majority of the calls are coming from the North Country, which is home to many campgrounds and hiking trails. "The campgrounds are very full. Most campground owners I’ve talked to, including state campgrounds, are all reporting record seasons and an unbelievable amount of people camping. So obviously more people, more food attractants,” said Timmons.Timmons adds his team has also responded to an increase in reports in residential areas. "I think because people are home more, they're perhaps feeding birds. Because hey you're home, why not try to watch some birds? I think people are getting into raising chickens because they are home more. So those are two things that can certainly cause a fair number of bear conflicts,” said Timmons.

New Hampshire Fish and Game is warning Granite Staters and visitors about an increase in bear encounters over the past month.

Viewer video recently sent to WMUR shows a black bear helping itself to a snack from a dumpster in Lincoln.


This is one of several encounters this month, says New Hampshire Fish and Game.

"This year we're definitely seeing an increase. Particularly over the month of July. It's been a very busy month,” said Andy Timmons, of New Hampshire Fish and Game.

Timmons says that increase is caused by a couple factors.

"One is the very dry weather conditions that we've had in the beginning of the summer. It certainly had an impact on natural food sources for bears, specifically the berry crops,” said Timmons.

Fish and Game says the ongoing pandemic may also play a role with more people staying home or staying local during vacation.

"That is influencing where people are, how many people are visiting the state and where people are spending their time recreating,” said Timmons.

Timmons says a majority of the calls are coming from the North Country, which is home to many campgrounds and hiking trails.

"The campgrounds are very full. Most campground owners I’ve talked to, including state campgrounds, are all reporting record seasons and an unbelievable amount of people camping. So obviously more people, more food attractants,” said Timmons.

Timmons adds his team has also responded to an increase in reports in residential areas.

"I think because people are home more, they're perhaps feeding birds. Because hey you're home, why not try to watch some birds? I think people are getting into raising chickens because they are home more. So those are two things that can certainly cause a fair number of bear conflicts,” said Timmons.

The Link Lonk

August 02, 2020 at 10:24AM

Fish and Game issues warning, following increase in bear encounters - WMUR Manchester

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