New Zealand mudsnails were detected for the first time Tuesday at Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ Bluewater Fish Hatchery near Bridger, officials said.

Bluewater is a trout hatchery and is the third-largest production facility in the state, officials said. It stocks sport fish into urban ponds, reservoirs and other public waters.

New Zealand mudsnails are an aquatic invasive species. They were discovered in Montana in 1995 in the Madison River above Hebgen Lake Reservoir. Since then, New Zealand mudsnails have been detected in several major river drainages across the state.

Tuesday's discovery was the first time in a Montana state fish hatchery, officials said.

Because of the detection, no fish will leave or be received at the Bluewater hatchery until an investigation is complete. FWP staff are working on a containment and mitigation strategy. Testing results will be available next week to help determine the extent of the infestation.

FWP will review where the hatchery’s fish have been stocked this year and investigate whether the stocking has spread New Zealand mudsnails to any state waters.

The closest New Zealand mudsnail infestation to the hatchery is Bluewater Creek, which the hatchery drains into.

All hatcheries in Montana are inspected annually for AIS and fish pathogens, FWP officials said. The mudsnails at Bluewater Fish Hatchery were detected during the hatchery’s annual inspection.

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