Don’t have a fishing license ? – NO WORRIES ! – This Saturday, Sept. 5 is a Free Fishing Day…….. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) invites all Californians to celebrate the end of summer by going fishing. Sept. 5 is the second of two Free Fishing Days in 2020, when people can try their hand at fishing without having to buy a sport fishing license. Free Fishing Days are also a great opportunity for licensed anglers to introduce non-angling friends and children to fishing and the outdoors.
All fishing regulations, such as bag and size limits, gear restrictions, report card requirements, fishing hours and stream closures remain in effect. Every angler must have an appropriate report card if they are fishing for abalone, steelhead or sturgeon anywhere in the state, or salmon in the Smith and Klamath-Trinity river systems.
CDFW offers two Free Fishing Days each year – usually around the Fourth of July and Labor Day weekend – when it’s legal to fish without a sport fishing license. This year, the Free Fishing Days were set for the Saturdays near Independence Day and Labor Day (this year, July 4 and Sept. 5). Free Fishing Days provide a low-cost way to give fishing a try. Some CDFW regions offer Fishing in the City, a program where children can learn to fish in major metropolitan areas. Fishing in the City and Free Fishing Day clinics are designed to educate novice anglers about fishing ethics, fish habits, effective methods for catching fish and fishing tackle. Anglers can even learn how to clean and prepare fish for eating.
All fishing regulations, such as bag and size limits, gear restrictions, report card requirements, fishing hours and stream closures remain in effect. Every angler must have an appropriate report card if they are fishing for abalone, steelhead or sturgeon anywhere in the state, or salmon in the Smith and Klamath-Trinity river systems.
Anglers should check the rules and regulations for the waters they plan to fish because wildlife officers will be on duty to enforce them. For more information on Free Fishing Days, please visit https://ift.tt/2xPV6ea.
MENDOCINO COAST – There has NOT been many reports of Salmon well over 20 pounds being caught off our coast. Uncle Dale says, “ the ocean has just too ruff for him to get out all that much lately. And that most of the salmon he has been hooking in to has been in the 5 pound range.” He is not alone, his sentiments have been echoed by many anglers that have been fishing the Mendocino Coast this season.
Bottom fishing has been good also, especially in the clear water. Most are hooking into limits of Black Rockfish up to five pounds.
BLUE LAKES – The trout are in deeper water, making them difficult to catch. Although some anglers have hooked into them trolling with down riggers set to about 25 feet. Nobody is catching all that many. Right now your best bet for Blue Lakes is bass fishin. Try fishin’ a Texas rigged Senko, Sweet Beaver or Brushhog. Cast it along submersed brush and trees. Also drop shottin’ the open water or near docks will get you hooked up. Like everywhere right now the best times to fish are the early morning and the last hour of daylight. Go get ‘em!
STREAM TROUT FISHIN’ – In our stompin’ grounds, the east fork of the Russian River is really the only area to go stream trout fishin’ right now. To get there, take the Potter Valley exit off of Hwy. 20, drive 1/4 mile down to the bridge and you are there. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has stocked this area last couple weeks. So there could be plenty of fish to be caught. Try fishin’ a panther, rooster tail, super duper, salmon eggs or Powerbait.
“No work is insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
Have a SAFE Labor Day Weekend and, Remember to KEEP IT REEL! Don 4reelfishin.com
The Link LonkSeptember 01, 2020 at 10:33PM
4Reel Fishing: Fish for free this Saturday - Ukiah Daily Journal
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