It’s spring at last, and we’ve already had some warm days with lots more to come. The lakes and rivers are warming up too, and increased temperatures mean cold blooded fish are more hungry and ready to bite. That in turn means there’ll be better fishing for game fish like walleye, small and largemouth bass, muskies, and more. Usually, these fish will be hungry and provide great sport, but there’ll still be days when they have lockjaw, like days on Lake Erie when it’s warm, even hot with not a breath of wind, and too much sunshine. Other fish will probably bite, and you’ll catch some that you don’t want like sheepshead, carp, channel cats, and others the Brits lump together as “rough fish.”

Do you throw such fish back with a muttered curse, and go home empty from your day on the big lake, the Ohio River, or lakes and streams in-between? Or do you take those rough fish home and convert them into delicious eating by smoking the lot? A growing number seem to be doing the latter. Two years ago three friends and I found a deep hole off Johnson Island in Lake Erie that was nearly wall to wall channel cats, and made a heavy haul of these bottom feeders. When we got home I asked to keep all of the small ones, those half to two pounders as my share which my friends were glad to give me.

Then I took the lot home, de-headed and gutted them, washed off the slime, and sliced each several times horizontally along its length. Then I made a standard brine of two cups of canning salt (no iodine) per gallon of water, and stirred until the salt was all dissolved. I use plastic bowls for the solution and as a rule of thumb soak for one hour per pound, so if you have 8-10 one-pound pieces in the bowl, let them sit for an hour. If they’re half pound pieces, then give them a half hour total or a little more. Keep the pieces covered with brine and let them do their soaking in the refrigerator.

Remove the pieces, wash them in fresh water and pat each piece dry, then let them dry further for another hour or two. Then smoke your catch until the pieces are ready, which can be anywhere from a few hours to 24 or more. I use an aluminum smoker with three racks inside and a metal coil in the bottom on which I set a pan of hickory sawdust. When plugged in, the smoke rises slowly and new pans of sawdust added as needed . When I remove a piece, break off a chunk, taste it, and decide it’s ready, then it’s ready. Incidentally, I bought my smoker at a large outdoor store, but you can also make your own, maybe using an old refrigerator with the motor removed, holes drilled in the bottom, and a hot plate for the pans of sawdust where the motor below once was. Suit yourself.

My little cats were shared with friends along with a ball game on tv and some appropriate beverage. They disappeared like smoke on a windy day. I’ve done the same with channel cat fillets from larger fish, and made some excellent smoked snacks from sheepshead of 1-3 pounds filleted and with that center lateral line removed. As you can guess, I don’t throw them back with a curse anymore. Carp, being another oily fish, smoke well in small sizes, and I’ve smoked many a rainbow trout and salmon in the same way, scraping out that black liver against their belly cavity backbone first from each trout.

There’s room to experiment here. You might try other kinds of sawdust like apple or alder, add more or less salt, use some brown sugar in your salt brine, or fresh ground pepper, maybe garlic, soy sauce, hot sauce, or other ingredients. Then see if you like them better or worse. I’ve known some hunters who smoked their wild turkey kills, or smoked up venison jerky skipping the salt brine and adding Worcestershire sauce and a bit of salt to the strips. Whatever you make, if it’s done right, is sure to be tasty. And easy to do.

Dick Martin is a retired biology teacher who has been writing outdoor columns for over 30 years. You can reach him at

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