Editor’s note: Following is a report from Rice Lake Tourism, with fishing tips provided by Jordan Marsh of Marsh Outdoors.
As we reach another holiday weekend, it's encouraging to see the fishing is still good and the action has been solid for many anglers. The lakes will be busy this weekend so let's respect one another and all enjoy the lakes and rivers we are so lucky to have in our area. The fish are biting, the weather looks great, so get out there and enjoy some fishing.
The bluegill are completely done with their spawning for the year and a lot of the gills are sitting in or around the edges of the weeds. They are very easy to find and are providing constant action right now. Many of the bigger fish will move deeper soon, so get out there and catch them while the action is still non stop. During the day, cast a bobber and hook tipped with a half a worm on the edges of the weeds, or inside of them if you can find an open pocket. Depth down may vary and sometimes you will have to adjust as well to find the bigger fish. Many times those smaller fish are aggressive and will hit the baits closer to the surface. Get down a little deeper to find the bigger ones. If you are looking for an exciting bite, find a nice calm evening and use a fly rod to catch the fish as they feed on bugs before dark. Casting on top of weed beds and working the floating fly back to the boat is always a great way to catch those fish. You might even run into some crappie sitting on the edge of the weeds as well.
Walleye are starting to do some transitional moving right now which is fun for many anglers as a lot of different tactics are working to catch these fish. Shallow weeds still are holding a fair amount of fish and can be caught running spinners or casting slip bobbers tipped with a leech and waiting for a cruising fish to swim by. The deep water structure is holding a good amount of fish and they can be targeted with a lindy rig, slip bobber, spinners on bottom bouncers, or the traditional jig and live bait. Leeches and nightcrawlers are the go-to bait right now, and be sure to use the most lively leech you can find in the bunch. The walleye have a hard time resisting them. The open water trolling bite is starting to pick up as we have lots of new baitfish in the system. The baitfish will first hide in the weeds and then they make their migration to open water and the walleye are sure to follow them. I like to run shad style baits this time of year when trolling the open water basin.
Good luck fishing and remember, introduce someone new into the outdoors. They will appreciate it for a lifetime.
June 29, 2021 at 11:00PM
Fishing report: Fish are biting, weather is great, so enjoy some fishing - Ashland Daily Press
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